"I believe that you believe..."
What if we were able to get inside of the unspoken assumptions we have about how other people see the world? The way we talk to ourselves about what another person is doing has everything to do with what we believe that they believe. What if we just put these things on the table?My Style
Once people use tools like Strengths Finder and Myers Briggs to identify their differences in style, then what? I have seen many people who stop there, declaring that "This is just the way I am," or content to forever be a slave to their style. But what if we said these powerful words?"These are the elements of my style and personality that I am willing to sacrifice or examine for the greater good..."
Wow! Can you imagine? I'll leave you with that food for thought, for now. But I'll keep sharing as dialogue stems come up that can help you, and me, in these very tough scenarios we all face...
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