It has been too long! My promise to self in this new year and next season is that I will consistently share on this blog the many thoughts and experiences I have in education and beyond. Life has been a blur! But I realize that I need to just build my story here, week by week. So that's my new plan.
Today, I am here to encourage someone. I want to say to those who are educators who also write: you are not alone! Keep that pen flowing! The journey to publishing traditionally, if that's your goal, can seem unending. It's quite discouraging for busy education professionals who lack the time to pursue an agent and the rest...but I've discovered that I just have to get out there, and do it a bit at a time, and keep learning...
This past summer, I attended my first class on picture books at the Highlights Foundation retreat center in Pennsylvania. Absolutely amazing! This January I'll attend a workshop around picture book revision, I am very close to self-publishing my first children's book and song, and I now know how to get my book into my local library system. Progress! But the thing I want to report today, that makes me so proud, is something I'd sent out to my whole world (via Paperless Post) first children's story with Highlights Hello magazine is set to publish in 2020. That, for me, is a big deal. The text is literally about 20 words, as the magazine is for ages birth-two. But it's Highlights! I have so much history with them...and am determined to build more...
I'll keep you posted when the piece comes out. Until then, be encouraged, fellow writers! Your--our--teacher voice is so needed!