Teachers Like Me
I've come the conclusion that teachers are probably some of the most taxed, stretched and pulled people on the planet. For real. We give, pour out, cover, protect, teach, evaluate, explain, mediate, and share. And then many of us go home and do even more of that as caregivers to husbands, children, parents...with little room left for ourselves. I realized just this weekend that a powerful model for me is going to be a consistent goal-setting for life goals I have outside of education. It's a given that I am eating, sleeping and breathing some of the important goals I want to accomplish in my job. But I am not always as intentional about making sure my personal needs and goals get met. But this, friends, is a self-care issue, and one I am now excited to say I am addressing. So, I've decided that my theme for the rest of this school year is "BLOOM." I'm going to bloom despite any challenges--any dung, if you will--surrounding me, and I'll take that dung and use it to help me grow. From now until the end of the school year I will have a milestone goal I'm focused on just for me, and here are some examples:- February: Give a TEDx talk through my alma mater (just found out today I've been invited to share my idea with the committee! Woo hoo!)
- March: Publish my first picture book
- April: Publish my first book for adults
- May: Be able to play my school's song on the guitar (a goal I'm pursuing in front of students)
These are just some examples, but they illustrate how valuable it is and will be to have things I'm pushing for in my personal life, to add balance to the press that professional life can be. Hope this can inspire someone else to do some of the same!